Programs We Offer

Nursing Home Transition Diversion Waiver Program (NHTD)

The NHTD program is a Medicaid program administered by the NYS Department of Health. This program is designed to provide support and services to assist seniors and individuals with disabilities. It allows them to maintain their independences and continue to live in the community of their choice. The waiver services are provided based on the participant’s unique strengths, needs, choices, goals and health and welfare.

The philosophy of the NHTD Waiver Program is to provide the participant the right to choose where to live, who to live with, who to socialize with and what goals and activities to pursue.

The participant works in conjunction with Recco Home Care to develop a comprehensive plan for services and support. The process leads to personal empowerment, increased independence, a greater community inclusion, self-reliance and meaningful and productive activities. The goal for Recco is to create a sense of independence, community, self-reliance and productivity often missing in a nursing home or health facility.

Recco Home Care Service, Inc. is a provider of the Nursing Home Transition and Diversion Waiver Program in Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester Counties. Under this program, Recco specializes in the following:

• Service Coordination:

Our trained registered nurses are keenly knowledgeable in areas of service assessment for each individual. Recco Service Coordinators assist the NHTD applicant in developing an individualized service plan. As service coordinators, Recco RNs stay abreast of the individual’s program and communicate between the participant and all service providers. We work with the individual to increase services and thus assist in enhancing the level of activities and programs for the NHTD participant.

• Home and Community Support Services (HCSS):

The HCSS staff are specifically trained to meet and support the goals set forth for the NHTD participant. In addition, they all must meet the training requirements and certification guidelines of the personal care aide.

Learn more about other Programs we offer:

Personal Care ProgramCDPAPNHTDAlzheimers/DementiaFall Prevention